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Disclaimer:  The information provided in this website represents one surgeon’s personal experience and opinion. It is not intended to be a comprehensive resource. The contents of the website are not intended to be a substitute for a surgical consultation and no liability is accepted for the consequences of inappropriate or misguided use of the information.


The aim of this website is for patients to use as a guide and source of information about orthopaedic knee and hip problems.

Here you will find useful information on the management of the most common lower limb orthopaedic problems and  the best way to prepare should you need surgery.

There are links to other relevant information, as well as contact details, how to arrange an appointment and information about your stay treatment in hospital.

Use the buttons and menus to locate information or use the search function to quickly find specific links on the website .

Some Quick Links:

Do I need a Joint replacement?

Knee Replacement

Hip Replacement


ACL Reconstruction

Sports Injuries


Derek M Lang

MB.ChB. FRCS(Orth)

Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon

Appointments: 0161 393 3993 Email: or:-Make online appointment

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