Knee joint Replacement

Replacement of the knee joint it is a common and well recognized procedure. It is normally performed for fairly advanced arthritis of the knee joint.

All or parts of the knee joint can be replaced, depending on the extent and the position of the arthritis. In some cases, the whole of the joint surface has to be replaced. In some patterns of arthritis, only the worst affected area needs to be replaced.

The surfaces of the normal knee joint are smooth and glide over each other allowing the joint to move. In arthritis, the joint surfaces are destroyed and the operation seeks to address this by replacing the damaged surfaces. Usually, a specially designed and shaped piece of metal alloy is implanted onto the damaged joint surface on either side of the joint.

The spacing between is filled with a specially designed and shaped piece of specialised plastic.

Because of the design, the artificial surfaces are now able to glide freely over each other, restoring movement and function and reducing the pain associated with the arthritis.

There are many different types of knee replacement, involving different types of metal and plastic. Your surgeon will discuss with you the type of joint replacement which is more likely to suit your needs.

Do I need Knee replacement?

Use the online Knee Scorer to estimate the severity of your knee arthritis

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